We see hundreds of patients come through our doors here at Bell Family Chiropractic complaining of headaches or migraines. Not all of them come to us for these problems and those who do not are surprised to find that chiropractic can reduce and even eliminate their headaches and migraines. Unlike common treatments for headaches/migraines, we do not focus on eliminating the symptoms—though that is a pleasant side effect of our treatment—we correct the underlying problem that causes the headaches/migraines. That means when you have finished with corrective care, with proper maintenance your symptoms may never return.

“How is this possible?” many of our prospective patients ask. Once you understand how chiropractic works, it is easy to understand how regular chiropractic care can correct the underlying problem causing your pain.  Previously we discussed how the brain controls the body by sending signals through the nerves. When the nerve is compressed, that can cause nerve damage, which can lead to spasmed muscles as well as pain.

Near 100% of the patients with headaches and migraines that we see have tenderness in their neck near their cervical vertebrae—or neck bones. When one or more of these bones are out of place, they can pinch on the nerves that lead up to the head, through the neck, and down through the shoulders. As a result, people can have problems like headaches, poor vision, tense or tight shoulder and neck muscles, and many other dysfunction caused by poor nerve signal to the tissues.

With chiropractic adjustments—a controlled force applied to the joints to gently move the bone back into alignment—we are able to unpinch the nerve, which results in better nerve flow to the neck, shoulders, and head—eliminating your headaches! If you receive proper chiropractic care, your spine will sit in better alignment and stay that way. Keep in mind, though, that people who have had a spine out of alignment for too long can have deterioration of the discs, atrophy in the nerves, and fusion in the bones. If your spine is allowed to get to this state of dysfunction there is little—if anything—that we can do to reverse the damage.

So come in today to get your neck checked and be one of the millions of people who eliminate their headaches and migraines naturally and permanently.

Author: Kaleigh Woods 2015